Yes, I am aware that we're almost half way through January but I was busy and Sherlock is back on (!!) so things have been happening I suppose. Exciting things.
I never really follow through with these things but here goes.
1. Try and read more books than last year. So last year I read 160 books. This year I am hoping to read 200 books. It's a big challenge but I will surely try.
2. Read at least 10 adult books. Last year I only read two adult books so this year I want to read 10.
3. Read more classics. Just cause.
4. Read books which are currently on my bookshelves. I just have this really bad habit of buying books whenever I see them at a cheap price and then I just forget about them. So I really need to clear my TBR shelf. Fo sho.
5. Learn to give up on some books. Yes, I really need to start doing that. I have this weird habit that if I start a book I have to finish it no matter what and I need to stop doing that because it makes no sense at all.
That's everything reading wise. I don't like to set resolution with regards to the daily life because I never keep them.
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